The SRT approach is one of the most transformative treatment methods I’ve used, both in terms of how clients respond physically and the positive feedback received.
What is so special about a seemly simple, effective and easily applied technique sequence that such a strong statement can be made with confidence?
It comes from over ten (10) years of seeing a range of positive treatment outcomes, including a reduction in presenting and ancillary physical discomfort/pain, an impact on emotionally based mental stress levels, which results in continued client satisfaction. The fact that it’s a repeatable method in any subsequent treatment provides an opening to measure a client’s progress over time.
How could this be seen as a ‘measure of progress’ tool within a treatment program and being used as a wellness tracking mechanism?
Each person’s body is constantly reacting to different physical and social environments, and responds accordingly. For instance, a structural adjustment one week may be totally undone by a subsequent physical, mental, or emotional crisis which reinstates an adverse ‘causal link’ prompting the body to revert back to its prior position.
A positive reaction to an adjustment, combined with specific self-care and self-management information will assist stabilising the skeletal structure, adding significant value to any overarching session plan or multiple treatment program. Once a continuing positive (stabilised) skeletal structure alignment is maintained over time (or within a Multiple Treatment Program), the evidential results are measured and recorded, providing monitoring resources for both client and practitioner.
How would specific self care information help maintain a positive alignment result?
Above, it was highlighted how a person responds in their environment (physically, mentally, emotionally) and a ‘causal link’ between these. Now we start to see how the mind and emotions interacts with the physical body (the mind / body connection). In the event of a direct physical injury, the cause is known, but in most cases the emotions are the driver of structural misalignment, whether current or more commonly, past adverse mental / emotional behaviour patterns are activated.
These patterns, established over time, to which the ‘self’ constantly regresses when challenged, results in the constant loading and causal misaligning of the skeletal (physical) structure. So this physical impact represents direct ‘self’ communication of the mental / emotional discomfort or challenge not being actively addressed outwardly but rather held inwardly in to the body, holding it in place until dealt with (or not).
As an individual learns to understand this connection and implement some specific stress management tools or modify daily routines to increase ‘less stress’ activities, then a noticeable stabilisation of structural alignment will be demonstrated. The physiological impacts resulting from different ‘mood states’ reveals a more interwoven body/mind sense of being and in this relationship dwells the beginnings of distress and discomfort, which SRT targets directly.
Key summary points:
The SRT method offers superior treatment outcomes when integrated into an overarching ISP (Individual Session Plan) or MTP (Multiple Treatment Program). Its simplicity and effectiveness, proven over many years, and the realignment of an individual’s sense of being underpins the transformative results obtained by targeting specifically selected reflex points on the body and in conjunction with other techniques, together these trigger a release (a letting go) of patterned anchor areas, physiological blockages (or restrictions) and stress/tension in micro-fibres (in muscles and soft tissues) which inflame and bond in tension, reducing blood and lymphatic flow.
Upon achieving a stable pelvic / shoulder assessment or partially and repeated, by tracking back over time, the individual’s attitudinal changes and/or active self management reflects in skeletal stability and the ‘mood state’ are demonstrated. An integrated holistic approach allows for an overall continuity of health wellness and develops individual self awareness.